Are you ready to awaken to the truth of who you are?

You are the embodiment of paradox.

You are a timeless soul in a time-bound body.

Your awakening is endless.

When you fully accept that truth, you will have awakened fully.


Interviews & Podcasts

  • Living Enlightened

    I chat with Elizabeth Cantey about unlocking your higher consciousness.

  • Next Level Soul

    Watch my exchange with Alex Ferrari about awakening, kundalini, healing, and more.

  • Taozen

    Listen to my conversation with Fred Billyard on sexual misconduct in the spiritual world.

  • Psychic Pool Party

    Psychic Medium Heather Carlucci and I talk about our work as psychics.

  • Guy Lawrence Podcast

    Watch my conversation with Guy as we talk about awakening, kundalini, and spirituality.

  • Uncover Your Magic

    Ashley Gonor and I talk about the spiritual path and uncovering one’s magic.

  • MysticMag

    Unveiling the Soul’s Blueprint - A Q&A with Patrick Paul Garlinger


  • I took the leap of faith and trusted that Patrick, with his spiritual guidance and wide range of expertise, would be an excellent guide for me to transform my fear of public speaking, general anxiety, food issues, and some relationship difficulties. The amount of time, care, wisdom, energy, … that he gave was extraordinary. I found a place to be authentic as the human I am while reaching for an easier way to be myself. While I made good progress on my intended goals, the surprising gift is the model that he provided on love and acceptance. His insight into the human/soul is deep, and he knows how to share that. I am so thankful that when I need to know how to respond to myself, I know what he would do, and I do that. Peace. Ease. Acceptance.

    — Melanie, January 2024

  • Patrick Paul Garlinger is one of the most amazingly connected intuitives I have ever experienced. I felt the need to apologize to him at the start of my session because although I was working on so many issues, I was not coming up with anything specific to ask him. He responded that his experience was those types of starts usually ended up being some of the best sessions and as it happens, he had been guided to jot down a couple of notes prior to our reading. Well, to say my session was perfection is not an overstatement. Patrick’s list of what he picked up on me prior to our meeting hit every issue I had been questioning the Universe on! He has this incredibly empowering collaborative style that guided me to clarity in everything I had been struggling with. Patrick is a delight and held beautiful sacred space for me to receive the information I needed. Needless to say, I highly recommend him to anyone searching for answers.

    — Audrey Witko, New Jersey, August 2023

  • Listening to an interview with Patrick on Alex Ferrari's "Next Level Soul" podcast, I felt an immediate sense that I was to be in touch with Patrick to do a reading. It was one of those moments of knowing that I feel in the core of my being. We have since had two conversations, and I have re-listened several times to each one, gleaning deeply valuable insights and messages. When in conversation with Patrick, I feel heard, safe in vulnerability, and ultimately that he and I and his guides co-create in a way that is unique and effective. I am called forth to be and do, not simply be a passive listener for an hour. The interaction is all around beautiful and inspires implementation connected to the information I receive. I have no doubt that Patrick and his guides will be a touchpoint for me as I continue to craft my life and my business. It is with a grateful heart that it is so. 

    — Dawn, August 2023

  • For any soul beginning their intuitive, empathic, or spiritual journey, Patrick's class and expertise serves as integral guidance to take that first, unknown leap. After a private session with Patrick, I was amazed by the clarity of his insight and hoped to develop my skills to mirror his. At first, I was unsure of registering for his 4-week online intuition course, as these things can be impersonal and unhelpful, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The small class size (four participants in my cohort) and personal, engaging touch Patrick provides was just what I needed. Patrick helped guide me to understand the power and accuracy of listening to my intuition, as well as utilizing the whole class to benefit simultaneously. Through hands-on exercises, group meditation, and interpersonal discussion, I was immediately connected with my own clear insight, something that was always there but just needed a few layers to peel away. Patrick and his teachings truly serve a higher good, and his care and consideration for helping others develop their own power produces a magnifying, illuminating effect. Can't recommend enough!

    ~ Tyler B. Baltimore, MD

  • I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I met with Patrick. The experience was more powerful than I could have imagined. His presence, clarity and ability to understand what I was feeling and transform it into healing, was deeply moving. I felt very very seen and supported, with wisdom that helped me for months after our session, reverberating through many parts of my life. I remain deeply grateful.

    — Y.S., New York, NY

  • I felt so seen during our session. I'd been feeling untethered personally and professionally for a while, and it was soothing to hear visions suggested I'd sort things out and be content on the other side of the door. That's given me confidence in decision making, and ... I've found that I'm doing a better job of trying to listen to my inner voice.

    I had a real sense of calm afterward, which has given me space to make decisions less out of fear or obligation but instead based on what genuinely feels like the right path for me. I'm continuing to get new insights, even now weeks after our session. I'm very grateful for the experience!

    — Rebecca B.

  • My appointments with Patrick are acts of self-compassion. I reach out to him when I need guidance and support that is comforting, and which also helps me to grow. He is wonderfully warm and perceptive and helps me to see myself more clearly. In our most recent session, Patrick gave me insight into pitfalls I might experience in my new job, along with practical suggestions on how to avoid or overcome them. I highly recommend contacting Patrick if you’re seeking inspiration, direction and/or clarity.

    — N.G.

  • When we actually connected in person very recently, the feeling of genuine care, love and compassion I received from Paul has no words… his work is deep, profound and true, an incredible blessing in this world, especially now.

    If you want to know who you are and what is true, I can’t imagine a better person to speak to.

    — Barry Holmes, U.K.

  • A profound trauma, the violent death of my father has long hidden in my subconscious. This truth has made its way into my psyche and has given me the courage and strength to take a long journey to the country of my birth and finally learn the facts of what occurred and to visit his graveside (something I have not done for more than fifty years). This decision has given me a sense of freedom & strength that I have never had. My gratitude to Patrick and his authenticity is manifold.

    — D.J.K., Location Withheld

  • Taking Patrick’s chakra workshop has been a moving experience. I left empowered knowing that I can take action of my own to align them. Patrick also searched within each and every single one of us to see which chakra needed work and attention. This also impacted me deeply as identified and knew that what he was expressing about my chakras was entirely correct. I highly recommend others to take this workshop at any level of experience and knowledge about the chakras. It will truly leave you speechless, empowered and knowledgeable.

    — Kathy C., New York, NY

  • I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my reading with Patrick Paul Garlinger. I especially loved his calm, gentle demeanour and the kindness he exuded. Patrick Paul helped me see myself in a different light. I also enjoyed the energy healing at the end of the session. Thank you so much, Patrick Paul!

    — M.C.

  • Patrick was able to help me grow and see challenges from a mindful, intelligent and wise perspective . Patrick was methodical, intuitive, warm and inspirational. His suggestions helped me on a micro level (my day-to-day spiritual practice) and on a macro level (seeing things from a bigger picture). Patrick is empathetic and practical — he’s someone I would wholeheartedly endorse as a growth minded teacher / coach.

    — B.A., California


  • Readings

    Are you ready to see what’s truly holding you back? Often we cannot see our own blocks. Start with a psychic and channeled reading of what’s in your way.

  • Writing

    Are you ready to find some deep wisdom about what it means to be both human and divine? Check out my published books and articles on the spiritual journey.

  • Courses

    I offer courses on spiritual principles and practices, to empower you to make the choices in your life that feel authentic and in alignment with your soul.

It’s time to heal the past, be present,
and trust the future.

You must learn to forgive, accept
what is, and listen to your