Your Intuition

Is Your Superpower

A 4-Week Course on Inner Guidance

August 4, 11, 18, 25 1-3 pm ET

You Have the Answers Within.

Are you anxious about the future and worry that you’re making the wrong choices?

Do you want to be able make decisions with a deep belief that you’re on the right track?

Do you want to be able to draw healthy boundaries with others?

It’s time to learn to trust your gut.

It’s time to develop your inner listening skills and learn to access the psychic faculties you were born with — your intuition is your superpower!

Connect with your inner voice and feel empowered!

“For any soul beginning their intuitive, empathic, or spiritual journey, Patrick's class and expertise serve as integral guidance to take that first, unknown leap. At first, I was unsure of registering for his 4-week online intuition course, as these things can be impersonal and unhelpful, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The small class size and personal, engaging touch Patrick provides was just what I needed. Patrick helped guide me to understand the power and accuracy of listening to my intuition, as well as utilizing the whole class to benefit simultaneously. Through hands-on exercises, group meditation, and interpersonal discussion, I was immediately connected with my own clear insight, something that was always there but just needed a few layers to peel away. Patrick and his teachings truly serve a higher good, and his care and consideration for helping others develop their own power produces a magnifying, illuminating effect. Can't recommend enough!”

—Tyler B., Baltimore, MD

“It was truly a pleasure to meet and work with you. I especially appreciate the time and personal attention you extend to each of your students, tailoring the class and one-on-one sessions accordingly. It is obvious that you care deeply about your work and other people. I received a lot of great tools that I plan to implement moving forward within the context of creative goals and navigating life's big decisions.”

—Jennifer G.

“I went into this course thinking that my own inner listening skills were lacking, and through Patrick's wise and accessible instruction, I learned much about reading myself and others as well as trusting my gut. It's been very helpful in my personal, professional, and creative life. I really appreciated the compassionate and safe environment Patrick created for this course; it is obvious he cares about his students and tailors the instruction to their interests and needs.”

—Rebecca B.


Work with Me!

Hi there! I’m Patrick Paul Garlinger. I’m an award-winning author, intuitive, and conscious channel. Intuition has been a critical component to my success, and it has guided me through many major career changes—from Spanish professor to lawyer to psychic.

I have meditated for well over a decade and in 2016, I underwent a massive shift in consciousness with a kundalini awakening that culminated in my psychic abilities expanding greatly.

I have worked with many clients, using my intuition and psychic faculties, to identify the blocks that hold them back from living authentically.

Now, I want you to feel empowered to trust your own gut, hear your inner guidance, and tap into your innate psychic faculties so that you can trust yourself.

In just 1 month, you can strengthen your intuition

Everybody has an intuition. Most people never hone or train those skills, and so they can’t rely on their intuitive insights when it really matters — like making a career change, starting or staying in a relationship or any other major decision that you face. But you can practice connecting to your inner guidance system — that voice that sometimes shows up as a mere whisper — and then you will have a superpower that can guide you for the rest of your life.

Program Overview

In this 4-week course, you’ll learn

  • How to overcome the major blocks that keep you from hearing your intuition

  • Numerous techniques for strengthening your connection to your intuition and the 4 main psychic faculties

  • How to distinguish true intuitive and psychic responses from ego-based responses

  • How to access higher states of creativity and flow for any kind of art, writing or artistic expression

  • How to rely on your intuition to make important decisions in your life and how to balance what you get intuitively with data and logic.

Imagine being able to listen to your inner wisdom and know what decisions to make.

Imagine trusting your decisions and not feeling anxious about whether you’re making the wrong choice.

Embracing your intuition is the path to a life of peace and trust.

Is This Course for Me?

  • Do you know that you have an intuition or psychic faculties but haven’t always trusted them?

  • Do you consider yourself an empath or a highly sensitive people who wants to better manage the feelings and information you pick up from others and to learn to draw healthy boundaries?

  • Are you on a spiritual path and want to deepen your connection to your higher self and want help distinguishing between truly intuitive hits and ego-based thoughts?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then this course is for you!

The Curriculum

Here’s what we’re going to be doing each week!

  • In this first week, we’re going to explore what intuition is and how it works, and we’ll look at the main blocks to intuition and techniques for recovering yours.

    The first week of practice will be about reconnecting with and strengthening your ability to hear that inner voice.

  • This week’s focus will be on making intuitively led decisions in the present moment.

    We want to work on corroborating our intuitive hits with data and logical reasoning and how to distinguish intuitive hits from ego-based thoughts.

  • This week we’ll turn to predictions — using our intuition to connect with the future and how to work skillfully with our predictions.

    We’ll also look at the ways that the world can speak to our intuition with signs and synchronicities.

  • In this class, we’ll use our intuition for bigger decisions — when fear and self-doubt will increase.

    We will close the course by reviewing what we’ve learned and learning some final tricks and techniques for honing your intuition as a life-long practice.

The Details

For 4 weeks, you’re going to

  • Participate in live — yes, live! — online group teaching modules where you will gain incredible insights and learn amazing tools to connect with your inner source of knowledge and wisdom. (Don’t worry — you’ll also get recordings of each session.)

  • Practice each week on your own with a clear set of instructions to hone and strengthen that intuitive muscle so that you can rely on it on a daily basis.

  • Discuss your experiences each week in a safe, nonjudgmental space where learning to share about your psychic experiences enables them to grow.

  • Connect with your fellow classmates in a private community to ask questions and deepen your practices between our weekly classes.

  • Deepen your intuitive skills by having a 30-minute private session with me for some psychic guidance on what you specifically need to do to connect more fully to your intuition.

Live classes will take place on Sundays, 1-3 pm ET on

August 4, 11, 18, and 25.

The total cost for 4 weeks of training is $247.


  • No, you do not, but meditation is an exceptionally helpful skill in distinguishing between true intuitive responses and ego-based reactions. I highly encourage you to practice meditation to connect with your inner voice. If you don’t yet have a practice, check out my free intro to meditation course in the free resources section of my website.

  • Some people think you either have it or you don’t. The truth is that your intuition can always be strengthened.

    We are all born with natural abilities, yet we often suppress them. Some people have greater or more easily access their gifts, but everyone can benefit from practice.

    It’s just like going to the gym — some are more natural athletes, but everybody still needs to work those muscles.

    That said, I can’t make any guarantees about how any particular individual will do — you have to make an effort to see what happens with your intuition.

  • It is not dangerous to work on your intuition and other psychic abilities if you’re not trying to force open your third eye chakra or read others without knowing how to protect your energy field.

    We will talk about protecting your energy field from other people’s energies and how to skillfully connect with your spirit guides.

  • Yes, the lecture portions of the sessions will be recorded! But I highly recommend attending live, because the most powerful learning happens live, and most people never actually finish video courses. By attending live, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and get immediate feedback.